
Unnamed Shoutouts.

1. We came from nothing to something. You were there for me through the tough times and I am grateful for that. You are a wonderful person and I'll always love you for that.

2. You will always be a nuggah in my eyes. We've had great times hanging out. Thanks for being the great friend talk to, share jokes, laughs, pain etc. NPL4LYFE...They will never know.

3. My little sister..lol. What more can I say that hasn't already been said? I swear you always hit me that most odd times asking me what I'm doing with my life. And yes I love you too even though you joke on my age a lil too much. And where the hell are my cheddar biscuits??!!!!

4. We just met like a few months ago and I think you're mad cool. Especially when we are acting plain asses in those bulletins. Ready to put those Vol.'s out so we can make this paper..:cry313:

5. My nigga..I swear we are like two brothers from different mothers. I admire your calm nature even when shit is jumping off. We need to have that BBQ that we always joking about..shit would be memorable.

6. You ma'am are one of nicest females that I've come to know in recent months. You always know how to make me laugh even when the chips are down. I know I can be a pain in the ass at times but you know that I wouldn't trade your friendship for nothing.

7. Lite and bright I mean really though, you have been missing as of late. Well I know that you have a current situation, but I think about you and hope that you are doing well. Keep in touch.

8. Now as for you lady..We've gone back for a minute. So intelligent, loving and all that. I hope that situation is working out for you. I see your "best friend" like all the time...lol

9. She's a writer not a biter..when she writes she channels Hov so when she's done talking hold up your lighters. Ha..you like that right. You ma'am keep on writing and never stop. I love reading your work.

and finally

10. If I would have been doing this a few weeks ago, you would have already been mentioned. But now I look and it's really not the same. We both say it's no issues but still.. We would hear from each other everyday but now it's like we don't know each other at all. I see things between us more clearly. And I hope that he makes you feel the way that you want to be felt.

Disclaimer: Don't leave any messages asking is this one for me or what not. Each one is individually noted and they should know upon reading it.


Jocey. said...

Man, I'm so confused!!! I know Mai's and I think Travis is up there too. I'm just gonna PRETEND I'm up there LMFAO! <3