

I like to sit by myself and clear my head of any thoughts that may linger. Some people tend to think that I'm being anti-social or just being a plain asshole, which isn't my intentions. It could be just at that time, I'd rather be alone.

Also, why do we allow our past relationships dictate what the current or future ones may hold.? On one hand, you're just looking out for yourself. You've been in and out of these relationships, only to end up with the same sad ending. But on the other hand, you could be missing out on something truly wonderful. Someone that you can hold for a lifetime. It gives a clearer view on why some men and women act they way that they do.

One thing that I don't understand is this new generation. All I'm seeing in the news are teenagers assaulting adults. Just recently, a 16 year beat his mother to death and his father while he was sleeping. Now that has me worried on some levels. Some of these parents are having children at young ages and not giving them the proper discipline while they are coming up. My mother didn't tolerate this and I look at how my mother raised me. She still is tough woman and she don't play. I used to think my mother was being mean when she wouldn't let me do certain things, but as I look back now, she helped me avoid some things that I didn't need to deal with. I wish some of these parents would instill values into their children while they are growing up. Spend time with them and not allowing the television to raise them.

That's all for now.


The Motivated Mama said...

Very powerful thinking, where should I begin? I definitely can relate to you liking to being by yourself. I love to be alone sometimes becuase I'm very laid back. I used to really enjoy being alone because I knew that I was on a different level than other people so it would be a waste of time to do the things they were doing.

We don't ALLOW our past relationships to dictate the current it just happens that way. Life is about taking risks and everyone is going to get hurt regardless, no relationship is perfect nor is anyone for that matter.

This generation....so much to say about them, but that's another subject. Babies being found in trash cans, girls being pregnant at 14 & 15...just pure craziness...I can't even think of what type of solution is needed for that, all I can do is pray fo people in terrible situations like that.

You want so many answers in life, questions with no answers, questions that will never have answers. You have to stop questioning things because there is no answer majority of the time & trying to find one will drive you insane.

Jocey. said...

I agree with romney.

The world is slipping