
Goals and another rant.

goal - noun
1.the result or achievement toward which effort is directed;

When we were younger, I'm sure you've heard that age old question:

What do you to be when you grow up?

Most of the answers were a lawyer, a fireman, police officer, doctor, etc.

But how many of us actually say that we stuck to that goal or any other goal that we set out to achieve?

Probably not most of us, hell it's hard trying to stay alive.

But on the other hand, you have those that have goals already set for them.

Their parents stayed on them throughout their schooling because they want the best for them.

So where has things gone wrong?

Now and days, most kids don't even finish high school.

It seems as though most kids are focused on assaulting the teachers that are supposed
to be helping them reach those goals.

The youth don't want to hear anything you have to say, they see flashy people on
television and that's the goal that they aim for. Not knowing that most of that shit
is just for show. Most of the people that you see on television aren't really rich. It's just
a front to get you to buy their music or an outlet for you to jack their swag or lack thereof.

Where are the parents at? Have the parents become afraid of their kids?

In recent months, we've heard stories of parents being murdered by the very seed
that they've brought into this world.

Ok I'm slightly getting off topic. Time to get back on track.

Goals. Everyone should have short term and long term goals.

Because going through life without them, you'll just be in a continuous cycle.

If you are working, a goal for you should be to move up in a position or gain knowledge in another area.

School, you should be working on trying to obtain that degree and or that next step after getting that degree.

There are people out here that will help you if you need it. Counselors, mentors, etc are at your disposal so that they will assist you with what you need.

Another thing is that at any age, it's not too late to set goals for something that you want. There are people in their 70's still getting college degrees and you are under 25 with a good sense of health need to stop being lazy and get shit done.


Jocey. said...

You took my idea and turned it into something wonderful. Kudos, D! ^_^