Now this cartoon is mad old and when I say mad old, I'm talking about during my DaKingZ days old. Now as in regards to what the cartoon is saying, I agree. If you are paying to support welfare recipients, then you ought to be able to reap the benefits of hitting those skins. It's a win-win. The person on welfare can continue to get money as they please and the taxpayer can bust a nut or two.(Three on a good day)
Now there's a story out of Los Angeles of a 52-year woman who is suing Victoria's Secret because she was injured in her eye while putting on her thong. Wait, let's analyze this:
52 year old woman
I mean come on!! 52 years old wearing thongs at that!! I mean why would you be wearing thongs at your age. You're supposed to be wearing GRANNY PANTIES!!!
Now for the main course of this blog:
17 teenage females made a pact to get pregnant in GLOUCESTER, Mass. Some of the girls reacted to the news they were pregnant with high fives and plans for baby showers, Sullivan said. One of the fathers "is a 24-year-old homeless guy,"
Now I've heard of some pretty crazy things during my time, but this has to really reach the top. How are you going to make a pact to get pregnant with some other females? I mean seriously 17 female making a pact to get pregnant at one time and on top of that a 24 year old homeless guy is one of the fathers!!! How is that child going to be supported? The father is a bum!! But maybe these young ladies needed attention or love. What is seriously going on in this world today?
And it's probably more craziness going on that we haven't even heard about but I won't be shocked or anything.
Anyway you all have a great weekend.
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