
Parents Past Is Their Childrens Future

So I was at church and my mother was preaching about Beauty. She was discussing how females should accept the beauty for which God gave them because he made each one different. Then she briefly spoke about her past and some mistakes that she made. So it led me to thinking about how some females and males act today and how their children as they get older, inherit those characteristics.

What I mean by that is like relationship wise, if your parents are years apart most likely those kids will do the same in their relationships. It's like a recurring cycle and it's hard to ditch no matter how hard you try to shake it.

Well I know that I have my father's traits, although I don't know much about his childhood and teenage years. Well one thing I didn't follow in was his drug habit. Well that isn't a natural trait that is one brought on. But I think a lot of things that he did, I am currently doing now.

My mother well...I have some of her traits as well. Her strong emotional traits -- Got that.
Caring nature -- that too. Singing talent -- well two out of three isn't bad. But most of the things she did as a teenager, I know I didn't do while coming up.

In the physical department, I would say that younger I took after my mother because I looked like her the most and my father was skinny in family full of not so skinny people. Then once I hit my teenage years, my father's "beautiful family" (as my mother would say) features took over. And we all know how that turned out. I see him every time I stare at a picture.

In the intelligence department, well I graduated from the same high school as did both my parents. I don't even know if my father went to college. I attended the same school that my mother did (when she went there it was Community College Of Baltimore a.k.a. CCB) but I graduated. (CLASS OF '08 BABY!!!!) And of course I was able to live through anything since Magic made it.

I think I need to investigate this further, since I need to write this letter (it's coming babes) to my father. So this might be something that I can ask him about. Well this about ends this entry. I'm out!!!

"Enough with the big head jokes" - George Lopez