
Late Night Blog Entry

Yeah so I'm blogging this entry since I'm waiting on this Gym Class Heroes to download. I've been watching the RNC this week and basically everyone is going crazy about Sarah Palin's comments about Obama and the Dem Party. I mean yeah I would go hard too if someone wrote me a speech dissing someone else. Then McCain had a speech where he basically went hard at everyone. Then folks are talking about the experience factor. McCain was a POW of war and he's been in office for quite sometime. Then they say will Sen. Obama doesn't have much of experience in office.

1. 12 years must be considered 2 days in terms of politics.

2. Palin has only been Gov. for less than 2 years so she's an infant to him.

UGH -- I've made it through another work week. I'm like mad tired..so yeah I am going to end this..
