
I'm Not Perfect.

Never claimed to be perfect or better than anyone else. But right now I just wish that I could vanish. At times I wish I wasn't born at all. I'm not trying to have anyone feel sorry for me but hey, we do things we aren't proud of. I think I'll be viewed upon just how things are now. Just erase everything that I've done positive. Fuck graduation, fuck all the accomplishments that I've had and just focus on my negative traits. That's what everyone is judged upon. Can't sit to yourself and be quiet because people will think that you are acting funny. I mean my life is nothing major, but soon as someone makes a wrong decision in life, spotlight is on you buddy. The crowd is waiting for your performance. How are you going to wow them today? I could save the world just by pressing a button but someone will dig up something fabricated and they'll run with that story. Won't even ask you your side of the story. *sigh* Fuck it I'm done talking about it. I was wrong and I admit that. But until you understand the circumstances in the situation, then you can't walk in my shoes.


mai. said...

I'm here. Let's chat. You know the number. Honestly, I hate to see you the way you are. You are the one that ALWAYS cheered me up when I was walking amongst my own shadow. Now, it's my time to lend a hand and an ear. You are about to make the biggest accomplishment in the next week and I couldn't be more proud of you. Some people haven't even graduated high school let alone college and you are.

It's okay to be happy, Derek. Honestly, it is.

If an apology cannot be accepted. You must move on. No need for you to have a chip on your shoulder because that certain person has a chip on their shoulder.

Plus I wouldn't want to walk in your shoes.

I don't do sneakers.