
Pain Comes From Her...

As I sit on this step wondering where did we go wrong?
Moments flash of the days where we had sweet memories..
We were young and full of love.
Wouldn't see one without the other.
She completed me and I made her whole.


He came along. Showcased his charm and stole my spotlight.
I had her first and now she wants to be with him.
What happened to the nights where you told me that I was your only one.
You send him those texts filled with sweet thoughts and naughty sayings.

You see me and you become disgusted.
All I did was l-o-v-e you the way you wanted.
And now I l-o-a-t-h-e your existence.

Back to square one. Please move on with your life and I'll regain mines.
No remains of the soul of he who loved hard.
Just remains of that
broken, discarded, ruined