
Breaking Down Words Into Words.

So I was having a discussion with my babes and she asked if I have reached out to my father. I told her no since it was no point in dancing around the subject. But as I thought more and more about it, the subject became more clear: How do you write someone that you really haven't gotten to know? I mean granted, I have spent some time with him but not like how most fathers and sons should have.

Let's recap on a few things:

- My mother raised me. With the aid of a few others, the television and a vivid imagination.

- My father's side of the family takes a better liking to my brother than me.

- When I was younger, I used to enjoy going to my father's mother house more often than my mother's mother. Don't ask why but I am closer to my mother's mother though.

- The breaking point came when the whole issue of the $40 came about. I've forgiven but still haven't forgotten the events about that. That's what caused the original strain from that side of the family.

So where do I go from here, it's so much to say but how to put those words into play is the tricky part. I don't want to sound angry because I'm not. I don't want to come off as desperate when I'm not. I just want to try to salvage what is left of our relationship. Which is probably why I rarely trust males now. It's no trust factor there. Someone that you might consider a friend or associate, will quickly drive a knife into your back and leave it there for others to twist around.

I'm not trying to rush this, but I'm going to carefully choose my words. My point will get across when his eyes read it.


Anonymous said...

When it comes down to it the words will flow...he missed out on the life of his own SON and that's equally as painful as you not having a FATHER.

as I always tell you say what's on your mind "he'll always assume how you feel until you let him know differently"