

Where were you?
While I was growing up, no positive male role models in sight.
Where were you?
Going through my days being tormented and trying to avoid fights.
Where were you?
Strung out on drugs known to man.
Where were you?
Trying to survive on $30.90. Moms couldn't understand.

I've done fine without you. Don't need you in my life.
No communication needed. Forgiveness comes with no price.
You've done more for others. Created another family.
Treated me as an outsider. Fuck how you feel, don't explain shit to me.

So much pain, so much aggression, affecting me mentally.
Sperm donor you are. I only see you when I stare in the mirror physically.
Wish I could cut the skin away and walk away soulless as I fall apart.
Pray that THE LORD forgives me for this pain and hate that dwells within my heart.