
Stuck Somewhere You Don't Want To Be.

You know how you go to work and you just sit there doing what you do? Well I've been at the current job for like 5 months. And it's slowly driving me insane to quote MJB. I was going to give a rundown on what I had to do but I quickly changed my mind. It's too much to remember and I'm not trying to go there. I'm just mad tired and ummm I need a new change of scenery fast.

Folks always wonder why I'm so quick to go out of town. I'd rather be someone else experiencing new things. It's always fun to learn and grow within yourself.

I plan on to continue traveling because this world has so much to offer.


mai. said...

I'd love to travel. Way outside of the united states. Shoot, I'd like to go to NY or VA something.

I am sure you will get you travels going sweets.